What is Magnetic Realignment Therapy?

Magnetic current flows in every being and all matter and there are many influences that can disrupt or disorganize this magnetic field. HMO according to “Johanna Arnold” restores order to the magnetic field and this order enables healing and well-being.

Thanks to the techniques of healing magnetic realignment therapy, the body/mind/spirit system can be brought back into harmony and thus activate the self-healing process.

Experiments have shown that by laying on hands, just as by laying on a magnet, a disease can be eliminated. Modern experiments have shown that the particles of matter are aligned locally. Just like iron filings whirled around – if you hold a magnet underneath them, you will see how they align. Nothing else happens in the human body! Once the body has been realigned and the energy has been made to flow again, it regains its self-regulation. In healing magnetic order therapy, magnetic alignment with the hands is the prerequisite for higher-value cosmic energy to be absorbed by the body.

“There are no overdoses and no side effects in magnetic therapies. If reactions occur, they are healing reactions that lead from disorder to order!”

There are various forms of treatment for magnetic realignment therapy:

For optimal remote treatment, it makes sense to have treated the patient at least once in person with the HMO beforehand.

Accumulated energy that is lacking elsewhere can be brought back into flow at the site of the pain. Pain is the tissue’s cry of hunger for flowing energy.

The spiritual source energy enters via the crown chakra of the soul body and continues to flow via the kundalini channel (spine) and the chakras of the soul body into the astral body. Blockages in this flow occur during stress, shock situations and vibrations. The person has the sensation ‘I am beside myself’. It clears the way for the absorption of energy from the source and re-establishes the connection to the soul.

Nowadays we live in a very mind-oriented world. As a result, access to the subtle and spiritual world is becoming increasingly atrophied. The bridge to it is via sensation. This is transmitted to the cerebrum via the solar plexus and cerebellum and we can then become aware of it as inspiration and intuition. We want to reactivate this bridge.

It is ideal for use when undergoing treatment abroad (e.g. on vacation), when bedridden or immobile. It can also be extremely helpful in combination with live treatments. The effect is often even stronger in the patient’s perception than in a direct physical treatment.

All forms of therapy can be carried out both in my therapy room and as a home visit.

Magnetic Order Therapy: “Other forms of treatment”

If we want to strengthen the immune system of our physical body, there are many healthy and logical recommendations, such as a healthy diet, sufficient exercise, plenty to drink, fresh air and much more. Most people are very aware of this and try to implement it to a greater or lesser extent in their everyday lives.

However, if we still feel listless, tired, exhausted and unhappy, we simply lack energy. That’s why we should definitely pay attention to our energetic body.

The HMO immune system treatment strengthens your immune system in every respect.

In healthy people, two liters of lymph are removed in 24 hours. The lymphatic system (lymph nodes and lymph vessels as conduits) specializes in the transport of nutrients and waste products and also disposes of pathogens such as bacteria and foreign bodies in the lymph nodes. We support this process in those areas of the body where there is an accumulation of lymph nodes.

The 12 main organ meridians each begin or end at the hands or feet. Meridians are connections to our organs, bodily functions and psyche. They are channels through which our life energy flows. If the energy cannot flow freely in some parts of the body, congestion or blockages occur. The body initially reacts with minor complaints which can later develop into illnesses. The energy flow is harmonized and activated again in this HMO treatment.

This treatment is a gentle way of testing and treating hyperthyroidism. Many people today receive thyroid hormones in both cases: hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. A contradiction in terms. This treatment enables us to find out whether – and to what degree – the client has hyperthyroidism (or an overdose of hormones).

Rock crystal is a healing stone and binds earth rays and water jets into a positive energy. In HMO treatment, it is primarily used for all complaints in the head, neck and shoulder area in order to release energy blockages here too. It is also used to activate the pineal gland.

The power of rock crystal also has a positive effect on the psyche by cleansing the mind and soul.

Activation of the body’s own cell metabolism.

We humans have seven main chakras, which are located along the spine in different parts of the body. They have different functions for the body, mind and soul. As soon as one or more of the seven chakras are blocked, the person is no longer in balance.

In order to activate the chakras and thus ensure a free flow of energy, energetic healing methods such as HMO can help. Here, the chakras are cleansed and harmonized.

Exposure to radiation weakens our immune system, which we so urgently need these days. For this reason, it should be checked at regular intervals whether this treatment is necessary. Radioactive exposure must be distinguished from radioactive contamination, against which we are unfortunately powerless. Radiation exposure also occurs through mobile phone antennas, working in an open-plan office, daily work on the computer (W-LAN amplification etc.) As with nerve treatment, certain points on the body are tested for their vibration using the pendulum as a measuring device.

A light transmission can be thought of as an energetic shower that allows clear and pure energy and positive information to flow into your aura and chakras. It releases mental, emotional and physical blockages and has a deep, harmonizing and balancing effect on the whole body from the subtle level.

All forms of therapy can be carried out both in my therapy room and as a home visit.